Top 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Helpdesk Software

Helpdesks have significantly changed over the years and are continuously improving customer experiences. The most important benefit of upgrading your helpdesk software is that it advances both customer and employee experiences. When your agents are happy, your customers are too, right? Remember that customer experience has become the key brand differentiator, which is even more important than competitive pricing and product quality.

Markets have become saturated and many companies have similar work processes. Luckily, you can make your mark by following the latest support trends and upgrading your helpdesk software regularly. Helpdesk software upgradation is necessary to meet customer expectations and cope with the latest business challenges.

According to the latest report, more than 52% of brands think that upgrading their helpdesk helps them deliver better customer support solutions. Moreover, 86% of service teams recognize that having an upgraded helpdesk system increases their productivity by 30%.

Want to know the best ways to upgrade your helpdesk software? Scroll down!

A. What is a helpdesk software upgradation?

If we look at the literal meaning of an upgrade, we come to know that this concept includes various aspects. Helpdesk software upgrade essentially means upgrading helpdesk software to a higher standard by adding or replacing different components or features.

In today's article, we will discuss helpdesk software from two aspects. First, we will discuss which upgrades should be done for a particular helpdesk software. Second, we will discuss how to choose the right helpdesk software and upgrades that can fulfill your needs more efficiently and appropriately.

1. Update Tickets

This can be one of the biggest and most useful helpdesk upgrades. In this upgrade, helpdesk software requires customers to update every single piece of information by providing detailed evidence, including screenshots and all other data that is required to fix the issue.

Even if an agent forgets to mention the detailed troubleshooting of a particular issue, the next team must send the ticket back for troubleshooting confirmation. Here it is worth mentioning that irrelevant details are not required. Instead, the issue must be addressed concisely and precisely.

This upgrade, in which the confirmation of the precise and detailed information is made necessary, prevents the customers from experiencing long waiting times.

2. Templates

Helpdesk software must have templates to make it easy for agents to deal with relevant issues. The main purpose behind the creation of templates is to avoid potential errors and mistakes. Whenever an agent fills the template, they can proceed with the solution delivery quicker. This upgrade considerably reduces the failure of orders and makes it easy for agents to deal with both critical customer and trivia issues.

Template designing is a very useful upgrade. A file or form is created with a particular layout that agents can follow to solve multiple problems. They simply need to fill in customer information in the blank spaces.

3. Upgrade Policie

It is very important for a helpdesk software to stay on top in terms of policy updates. There are two types of the policy updates: company rules and relevant data laws.  You must keep the customer in mind and focus on the client-centric approach while upgrading your policies. For this purpose, figure out how to reduce the frustration of the caller by providing consistent excellent service.

If you conduct business within a territory to which a specific data law applies, such as the GDPR in the European Union, CPRA in California, or PIPEDA in Canada, you are legally obliged to comply with local regulations. Whenever a new data law is enacted or their amendments are introduced, you need to upgrade your helpdesk software to continue legal data processing. And there are two ways to do it. For instance, if you choose a  Helpy SaaS solution, we will update your privacy policy according to the latest data privacy standards. However, if you opt for a more private self-hosting option, you will be responsible for the helpdesk software upgradation. Considering that you have a large-scale business to protect from cyber attacks and a team of IT and legal experts reaponsible for the overseeing of data collection, this helpdesk software upgradation doesn't seem like a problem.

Various helpdesk software systems don't focus on upgrading policies and fail to provide quick fixes. Here at Helpy, we are focused on keeping your data processing legitimate.

To keep your data private, you should also teach your agents about current policies and latest upgrades. It is highly advised to make the agents understand that different policies cannot be applied to the same situation and the importance of keeping your company data safe.

4. Standardization

When it comes to ticketing and solving customer problems, organizations need to teach their agents to follow the same process for dealing with clients. For this purpose, the system should be designed and upgraded in a way that allows agents to follow the same strategies and processes to collect personal information, including contact details, personal information, description of the issue, and troubleshooting evidence.

Standardization is the process in which every agent follows the same set of universal support procedures. They should apply this universal strategy with every single customer. However, the same strategy should not be applied to every problem. Every problem should have its owon solution department and specific solution measures. The main purpose behind  standardization is to ensure the provision of equal and personalized care to every customer.

5. Ownership of Cases

Businesses need to learn how to deal wisely with angry customers. For this purpose, you must upgrade your helpdesk and apply relevant strategies because we know that the angry customers are the most delicate ones. Ask the technicians about the best practices and take ownership of the cases. This will allow you to provide an effective resolution and deliver the promised services on time.

Agents should always alert their supervisor whenever they encounter an issue or holdup. System supervisors should be aware of major problems that are causing customer frustration and be prepared to provide immediate answers.

Here it is important to mention that this upgrade is only helpful when you get back to the customer, provide regular status updates, and keep them in the loop. Once the customers feel appreciated and believe that you are taking their problem seriously, they will appreciate your actions, feel satisfied, and return the favor.

B. Bonus Tip: Establish Direct Communication Lines

Most helpdesk software systems fail to directly work with the next level of support. For them, the ultimate solution is to leave a note for the next level of support and ask them to respond to the customer. However, this is not the proper way of dealing with angry or problematic customers. This type of customer always wants direct communication with supervisors and other relevant people, especially if the situation is critical, such as a work disruption, that deserves an immediate response.

Thus, by using the authority of the supervisor and teaching them to work as an intermediary, businesses and companies can win customer confidence and directly connect them with the next level of support. This upgrade has the potential to take the world of customer support by storm.

C. Planning for a helpdesk software upgrade?

Upgrading helpdesk software means moving from an unsatisfactory helpdesk software to a better software that includes more features. This is why we highly recommend you to choose the most secure helpdesk software for your business, such as Helpy.

Every business and organization has different needs and only a highly advanced helpdesk software system can efficiently deal with all customer needs. Upgrading to software systems like Helpy is the best best decision for your company because you can enjoy a completely stremlined support processes and a real time conversation while not worrying for data compliance and the safety of your data.

Upgrading your current helpdesk software and then effectively utilizing the more advanced one can keep you ahead of the curve and allow you to achieve your business goals.

Before upgrading your software, you should check the features by creating a checklist and a list of the goals that you want to achieve, while also comparing the compatibility of the particular software with those goals.

D. How can you choose the right helpdesk software with upgraded features?

While choosing a helpdesk software with upgraded features, you should understand what kind of business you are running and what type of helpdesk you need to solve all of your problems.

For this purpose, you need to ask yourself a few questions, such as:

  • What level of customer service can you provide to your customers?
  • Is the particular software you are opting for safe and secure enough to be relied upon for all of your customer problems?
  • What are your expectations from your helpdesk team and what type of helpdesk assistance do you want your team to offer?
  • What kind of new upgraded features do you want to look for in your current helpdesk service?

Here it is worth mentioning that while choosing the best helpdesk software, you should not only focus on your customers, but also pay special attention to the training and communication skills of your helpdesk team.

How can you prepare for the implementation of helpdesk software upgrades?

While making changes to the helpdesk software, you have to prepare yourself by collecting all relevant helpdesk information.

You may have to renew and recollect information about the automation processes, gather all of your contact lists and forms, and prepare self-help tools, as these upgrades will be applied directly to your entire business operations.