Cybersecurity vs. Information Security

There has always been a cybersecurity vs. information security question in the computer science world but let's just say both are important for the safety of our data.

To understand these terms better, we must know the difference between data and information. Data is simply a raw form of information. For example, “J9” is data but when we reframe it as “block J and house number 9”, it becomes a piece of information.

Now let's put this in the context of the original topic: cybersecurity vs. information security. Cybersecurity and information security are often used by people interchangeably without conirdunique heir unique definitions. While both concepts are linked with computer systems security, their roles are different. In layman’s terms, cybersecurity is the security of data in cyberspace, and information security is the overall data security.

To further understand the debate between cybersecurity and information security, we must understand these terms, their core purpose, their use, and their proper application.

Let’s learn more!

1. Purpose of Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is the security of digital data in general. According to the official definition, “cybersecurity is the defense of cyberspace from cyber attacks and threat””. The domains for which cybersecurity works include network security, operational security, and application security.This type of sSecurity can be providedto protectr any device, server, sysypes of  data against malicious attacks. Cybersecurity is the key to keeping any organization’s data safe. It saves businesses from different attacks and threats such as phishing, SQL injection, trojans, and ransomware. Cyber attackscan fall into manyf different categories, but the most dangerous one is cyberterrorism.

With the advancement of the Internet of Thing (IoT)), cybersecurity has become an important issue.Due toh the boom of smart home appliances, these malicious attacks have even entered the homes of common peoHowever, or, oOffices and other working spaces are more sensitive towards cyber attacks and need to be taken care of first. Reports indicate that data breaches are going to increase rapidly in the upcoming years. Businesses and organizations around the world have already started to invest in their cybersecurity, and an exponential increase is expected by the end of this year.

2. Purpose of Information Security

Information security protects any form of data, no matter if it's digital or analog. This form of security prevents unauthorized access, use, or modification of informational data to ensure Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) are protected. The data can vary from personal information to confidential organizational files. Everything needs to be protected from any unauthorized access or changes to the system.

3. Why do we need to protect the CIA?

The purpose of Confidentiality is to ensure the safety of sensitive personal and professional data, and to restrict any foreign body from using it against the system's user. Integrity is important as it mandates that no modification can be made, and that all information on the system remains in its original state. Lastly, Availability is safeguarded to make sure that the user of the system has access to their data at all times.

Information security's purpose can be served during data transfer and storage as well. Its application varies from biometric systems to e-banking. There are many ways to apply information security, such as passwords, two-factor authentication, biometric validation, etc.

Information security must be a part of any organization's risk management plans. The evaluation of potential risks and threats, understanding the sensitivity of data, and avoidance and monitoring strategies are all part of information security.

4. Difference between Cybersecurity and Information Security

When we think about the differences between cybersecurity and information security, most people still believe that these words have the same meaning. However, with more technological advancements have evolved these definitions and separated their roles to an even greater extent. On one hand, the primary purpose of cybersecurity is to protect cyberspace data, which includes cloud data and other sensitive information. It defends our devices from malware, software threats, and cyber -attacks from hackers.

On the other hand, the purpose of information security is to protect all the authorized data, which is divided into three categories: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It fundamentally serves the same function as cybersecurity, which is to keep data secure from any threats.

However, in terms of cybersecurity, the definition narrows to protect only information and electronic devices that are exposed through ICT (Information and Cyber Technology). In other words, cybersecurity is more about digital security, whereas information security is about both analog and digital security. Information security is the protection of any meaningful data. The role of an information security expert is to recognize which data needs to be secured on a priority basis.

Cybersecurity makes cyberspace safer for data collection and storing, and it protects this information from cyber attacks. In comparison, information security protects the system from all types of threats.

Cybersecurity takes action against cyberattacks, cyberterrorism, and any other illegal activity, whereas information security takes action against foreign access, unauthorized use, and modification. A cybersecurity professional must deal with malicious threats and security breaches. In contrast, information security professionals deal with strategies and resources on a priority basis.

Cybersecurity works against phishing, baiting, and pretexting as opposed to information security, which combats unauthorized information access, modification, or usage.

5. Malware Cyber Attacks

Malware cyber attacks have become increasingly common and more frequent over the last few years. They are targeted towards big and small businesses mainly to jeopardize their daily operations or steal their sensitive information.

These attacks include spyware, ransomware, or, the most popular method, a phishing email. When we look at the statistics from, we can see how quickly these threats are growing.

According to Statista, the total cybercrime record jumped from 106 million breaches in 2017 to 142 million cases in 2020. Notably, most malware (92%) was delivered through emails. Additionally, there has been a 54% increase in mobile malware, which corrupts the data file in these devices. The exponential cybercrime growth rate calls for an immediate focus on cybersecurity so that organizations can withstand the hackers and secure their data from threats. The need for cybersecurity and information security will continue to grow in upcoming years. There will be a demand for more experts to combat malware without disrupting ongoing business.

6. Cyber Security Encrypted Protection

End-to-end protection is a fundamental aspect of cybersecurity. If the malware tries to enter your laptop, mobile, or other electronic devices, the system will detect it in the first phase and remove it immediately. It will also send a notification to the user informing them about the potential threat. Cybersecurity works on cryptographic code, which encrypts all email files and any other sensitive data. This feature will guard all of the documentation and save it from any loss. Thesecyber security systems  are so well designed thatthey cann scan whole devices and detect any malware that tries to hide in them. It will remove the threat and increase the efficiency of the device.

7. Information Security Measures

In order to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of information, organizations can choose from a variety of tools. The following measures can be beneficial to ensure the security of crucial data:

1)    Authentication

This process helps the organization to identify their user so they can allow them authorized permission to view all of their information. For authentication, the first step is to confirm using a  user ID and password. Multi-factor authentication can be more effective as it is more difficult for hackers to breach.

2)    Access Control

After authentication, the next step is to give the appropriate information to each user as per their requirements. It determines which user can read, delete, add or remove the information. This determination is known as an access control list (ACL). Each user is assigned specific information under their given role. This will minimize the risk of information theft.

3)    Backups

Another tool for information security is a proper backup plan for all of the information. If any security breaches occur, the organization must remove all the essential information from its domain to prevent any further loss. The critical information must be preserved in a safe spot so that it can be recovered when needed.

8. Key Takeaways

We live in a time when we cannot function without the support of technology. All of our essential work and data have been transferred to online platforms. There will always be a risk attached to these digital environments so we need both cybersecurity and information security to ensure that all of our data is protected from external threats. The demand for information security and cybersecurity professionals will continuously grow to fill the gap in the existing market. This expanding need also applies to any relevant tools, such as a secure helpdesk with data compliance, that can keep personal data far from hackers’ hands!