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HubSpot Synchronize contact information between Helpy and HubSpot
Jira Send tickets to Jira to create tasks or create tickets from Jira tasks
Open API Developers, you are invited to accomplish the impossible
Salesforce Sync contacts between Helpy and Salesforce.

All Integrations

GitHub Create GitHub issues from Helpy Tickets. Close tickets automatically when issues are marked complete.
Google Sheets With this integration, Helpy and Google Sheets work better together. Use the Zapier integration to tie these two apps together and share data back and forth. * Add a Google Sheet spreadsheet row everytime you get a ticket. * Add users and customers to a Google Sheet row as they are added. * Add users in Helpy from a Google Sheets table.
HubSpot Synchronize contact information between Helpy and HubSpot
Jira Send tickets to Jira to create tasks or create tickets from Jira tasks
Open API Developers, you are invited to accomplish the impossible
Salesforce Sync contacts between Helpy and Salesforce.
Slack With this integration, Helpy and Slack work better together. Use the Zapier integration to tie these two apps together create tickets from Slack, or create slack messages from new tickets. * Post new Helpy tickets to Slack messages. * Send Slack DMs when new tickets are created in Helpy. * Create Helpy tickets from new messages posted in Slack.
Trello Create Trello cards from tickets in Helpy.